Grades K-12
Teachers Are Making a Meaningful Writing Project Easier Than Ever.
Never again struggle to plan a student collaboration project!
International, Private, Public, Homeschool, Worldschool, Charter Schools
It’s Actually More Than Just “Writing” That Makes It Stick…
💻SMART Education Tech Skills You Never Knew Your Kids Needed – Until Now!
Penpal Profile
Safe SMART Technology
Build a penpal profile on the site
Request penpals on the site
Explore people, places, and things on the site
Technology Objective: This platform uses SMART Technology and helps kids learn how to use technology in a safe environment.
⭐Meets school standards for Technology Education
✅Digital Citizenship
✅Digital Communication & Collaboration
✅Research & Information Literacy
✅Creativity with Technology
✅Ethical Use of Technology
Note: Email and/or physical mail is your kids choice
Also included:
Writing & Language Arts Objective: This material helps kids learn how to write in a creative and expressive way.
⭐Meets school standards for Language Arts (ELA, ELL, ESL)
✅Written Communication and Expression
✅Language Conventions & Clarity
✅Global & Cross-Cultural Understanding
✅Digital & Media Literacy
✅Reading & Comprehension
✅Vocabulary & Language Development
✅Comprehension & Interpretation
✅Fluency & Engagement
Penpal kids explore new places they’ve never seen!
Social Sciences/Humanities: This material helps kids explore parts of the world.
⭐Meets school standards for Social Studies, Global Studies, and Cultural Studies
✅ Research global locations and their penpals’ backgrounds
✅ Learn about different countries and cultures
✅ Understand world geography through real-world connections
✅ Develop international awareness and communication skills
- Technology (click)
💻SMART Education Tech Skills You Never Knew Your Kids Needed – Until Now!
Penpal Profile
Safe SMART Technology
Build a penpal profile on the site
Request penpals on the siteExplore people, places, and things on the site
Technology Objective: This platform uses SMART Technology and helps kids learn how to use technology in a safe environment.
⭐Meets school standards for Technology Education✅Digital Citizenship
✅Digital Communication & Collaboration
✅Research & Information Literacy
✅Creativity with Technology
✅Ethical Use of Technology
- Writing/Language Arts (click)
Note: Email and/or physical mail is your kids choice
Also included:
Writing & Language Arts Objective: This material helps kids learn how to write in a creative and expressive way.
⭐Meets school standards for Language Arts (ELA, ELL, ESL)✅Written Communication and Expression
✅Language Conventions & Clarity
✅Global & Cross-Cultural Understanding
✅Digital & Media Literacy
✅Reading & Comprehension
✅Vocabulary & Language Development
✅Comprehension & Interpretation
✅Fluency & Engagement
- Geography (click)
Penpal kids explore new places they’ve never seen!
Social Sciences/Humanities: This material helps kids explore parts of the world.
⭐Meets school standards for Social Studies, Global Studies, and Cultural Studies✅ Research global locations and their penpals’ backgrounds
✅ Learn about different countries and cultures
✅ Understand world geography through real-world connections
✅ Develop international awareness and communication skills